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About Mestre Acordeon

Ubirajara Almeida, student of legendary Mestre Bimba, is an author, musician, and historian. One of the pioneers to bring Capoeira to the western United States in early 1980's. Today Mestre Acordeon has established the United Capoeira Association with schools in numerous states and Mexico.

About Mestre Rã

Mestre Rã has been playing capoeira for over 30 years, and trained under many Mestres throughout Brasil, including Mestre Tarzan, Mestre Galo, and Mestre Suassuna. Mestre Rã has performed and taught all over the world. Currently, Mestre Rã works with Mestre Acordeon while also running his own school for at risk children in Jundiai, São Paulo, Brasil.

About Mestra Suelly

The first American woman to earn the title of mestre, has played a vital role for women in Capoeira. She began her career in capoeira in 1982, as a part of Mestre Acordeon's first generation of students in the U.S. Mestra Suelly has been interviewed by numerous journalists in an effort to expand awareness of capoeira here in the United States.

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